Uncategorized WMD weapons of mass destruction Iraq, Ukraine, Russia, sow tragedy and death but the false righteous political leaders virtue signaling are wmds upon their own people inhibiting true freedom of speech and correct history and the advancement of the arts in a non-political spectrum.WMD weapons of mass destruction Iraq, Ukraine, Russia, sow tragedy and death but the false righteous political leaders virtue signaling are wmds upon their own people inhibiting true freedom of speech and correct history and the advancement of the arts in a non-political spectrum. March 10, 2022 JoeJoe 0 Comments 12:26 am READ MOREREAD MORE
Uncategorized The narcissist selfie world is an insidious creeping poison into murals and artwork mirrored in creations through Detroit, Michigan and beyond.The narcissist selfie world is an insidious creeping poison into murals and artwork mirrored in creations through Detroit, Michigan and beyond. March 10, 2022 JoeJoe 0 Comments 12:24 am READ MOREREAD MORE
Uncategorized Social justice warrior murals in Michigan and elsewhere immortalize drug addicts and criminals but ignore the truly good people. If you live a bad life and come to a bad end, they’ll make you a false hero. If you live a good and quiet life, you are invisible and a nobody.Social justice warrior murals in Michigan and elsewhere immortalize drug addicts and criminals but ignore the truly good people. If you live a bad life and come to a bad end, they’ll make you a false hero. If you live a good and quiet life, you are invisible and a nobody. March 10, 2022 JoeJoe 0 Comments 12:22 am READ MOREREAD MORE